Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas at home

We had our family christmas on christmas eve. We woke up and opened presents. I think we did good this year and the kids were happy with all the cool things they got. The boys got poloroid touches and they are so very cool! They play music, you can post pics and videos. So they love those, Krissy got a bunch of Hello Kitty stuff and a Hot Topic gift card, her favorite store! Dj and I got a tea set. ha ha ha well mostly for me, I got one like I got for Gideon cause it was so cute! You can make a pot of tea and share it with others in these cups! I love it! Kid at heart!

I think for my birthday I will get a poloroid touch cause it's so cool!

We went to a candlelight service at a local lutheran church. That was nice. I like the candle part! The kids got to take part in the communion with us that night so that was special to me. It was funny, Gabe asked if dad was going to take a snack too. Ha ha ha the wafers and wine, a snack! Precious.

I was terrible this year at taking pics. Here is just a few that I captured. Oh the picture of the boys room is after I cleaned it. Took all day to get rid of old toys and pick things up. The pic looks like it's still a cluttered space but it's so wonderfully picked up! Hope it stays that way for a bit.


Christmas with Vasquez side! This year my side of the family had christmas at my mom's house. We all love going to Gramma's house, Gideon never wants to leave. We had lasgna and garlic bread, I made the tequilaberry salad! Very delicious. We decided not to bake goodies this year and my mom bought some cute cookies from Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's had so many cute cookies, if I ever need to buy a present for someone that's the place to go!

Owen trying to get the goodies!
Krissy and mama
Dj and me, gosh he doesn't look very happy in this photo...... ha ha ha There's Gabe's head
Just a glimpse at the goodies
Krissy what are you doing?
Karla and Rob
Gideon got a flannel just like Grampa! He loves it!
Cory, he was smiling

Merry Christmas 2011!