Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a weekend! I had a great weekend. Saturday we got to go to Chuck E. Cheese in Maple Grove to visit with Dj’s family. They were so wonderful, they treated us to the whole day as we were also celebrating Cadence’s birthday, Dj’s brother’s grand-daughter. It was so much fun and the kids got the opportunity to play with their cousins. It wasn’t too busy for a Saturday, helps to get there in the morning. Time to catch up with them and see them as we don’t get to see them as much as they live in Alexandria.

Then Sunday, we had the family and friend birthday party for Krissy! We went to Tropical Ballroom, the dance studio her dad owns. And we had the music on and people snacked on food. We did a little cupid shuffle and Cha Cha Slide or whatever it’s called. It was so fun to see Krissy enjoying herself with her friends and family. The little kids had a blast. James was a very awesome host and got people talking and dancing. Dj was wonderful to help with all the food and transporting stuff around. Everyone got along from James’s side and my side. No fighting with the teens or any major drama. Phew! It was such a good day. And to have the time in one weekend to spend with each side of the family, in case next month or the next few months are rough with our personal lives. We had this weekend full of fun and happy memories. For that I am blessed beyond measure.

Krissy talked me into using some of her birthday money to get her lip pierced. Originally I agreed to ONE piercing in her face and then she would have to wait til she was 18. After talking with her more and seeing what it looked like and her using her own birthday money. And if she should ever need to remove the piercing, it didn’t seem like that was a place where major holes would still show. So I gave in. She was great, a little nervous but mostly excited. They gave us quite the experience trying to prove I was her mom, being that our last names were different. After finally giving them proof of her birth certificate, my birth certificate and my marriage license showing all the name changes and how I could be her biological mom, it was a done deal. She sat in the chair and I watched. I was so nervous and I had to go to the bathroom and in the bathroom I had second thoughts about the whole thing. I almost went out and said no, we can’t do this….. I don’t know why, I just was so nervous. Then when he said if she felt light headed or anything to let him know and she could lie down…………. I almost shouted out, I could use some water and a cot! When he finally stuck her with the needle, she didn’t cry out or anything. She merely said oh that didn’t hurt. What!!! She’s so brave. All said and done, she still looks cute. ;0) Now she needs to explain it to her dad!

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